
Couch Potato-tomato weekend

March aren’t a good month for me honestly, regarding the Mother Nature pissed off recently specially three disaster ( should be considered four actually.. )  landed at Japan.
I have know no one in Japan, but my fandom are mostly lived there... thus it HEARTACHE me a lot. :// But I what i believed Japan is the strongest nation ever, specially at thier hearts, so.. Keep Pray for Japan people :D

Now off to the topic, Yohuu~ My Holiday has OFFICIALLY started actually ^^
So, it’s time to being ‘Couch Patota-tomato’ ...
This weekend, Movie are choosen by my brother! ( I can go constantly with he’s taste, expect action and action movie list here XD )

And oh, there a lot of 2010’s Movie list too --;;;

Knight and Day
Starring Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz, tbh i never watched Tom Cruise’s acting before  x_x
Though, my whole family kinda known him, have a collcetion of Mission Impossibe movie, he’s The End of the World and more movies features at home, but never urge to watched anything he’s movie yet. While Cameron Diaz, the only movie i followed her would be Charlie Angel... and Shrek? Only x_x  - But that’s NOT the real point here!
Knight and Day unfortunately such a clinche comedic action movie so unfortunate to be casted a big name! The plot was there but, the story rather simple.
But what’s save these movie was the relationship of Cameron’s June and Tom’s Roy Miller characteristic. They are genuiely comfortable and capable each other  making a perfect duo. In addition the dialouge save their comedy too. I love their duo moment, June character can strangely stupid but really, really can save the day :P
I still remember, both Cameron & Tom appearance at Top Gear’s show. I know they would have such a great chemistry together, so what’s the heck I AM fan of this pair already lol, lol..

Gulliver’s Travel
Starring Jack Black; I can watched ANY Jack Black movie honestly. I fond he’s character actually. He’s not a comedian yet mostly he’s movie features many stupidity and of course comedy. In these movie unfortunately, hmm.. i rather felt empty, it good movie, with fresh plot but.. hmm! I enjoyed the humor though. I watched these movie till the end just because curiousity and for Jake black’s sake.

Cop Mall
Starring Bruce Wills; How can i not fond EVERY Bruce Wills movie where there all full of curse and cuss a lot! // Sarcarms – lol people, that’s still would’nt stop me watched these movie. What gehei here; actually was the another he’s co-star here and random spanish gang appearance. Bruce Wills is which in my opinion doesn’t change a bit back since the Hostage movie’s character. He seem he adapted those character; so in my yeah, for me.. he’s movies are still the best with the Hostages and Die Hard series.

Astro Boy
Oh... *facepalmed* when come to Japanese remake, re-adapt forward to Hollywood direct, I seriously never trust x______x ( remember the incident of Dragan Ball Evolution, OUCH stab straight to my heart. )  I wishes to ramble this movie, seriously folks.. but on behalf respecting the Osamu Tezuka, I better not to.. << So I passed. // Honestly, first half-movie i already fall asleep. *get bricked*

Pang Chu Kang the Movie
Don’t expect anything in these movie, it’s only served for those who a fan of Chu Kang; yeah, these movie specially dedicate to he’s character.
The singlish here, never failed to amuse me. Such a little character re-casted; Ah Bing & he’s family was missing unfortunately ://  But, still the introdution of newest character helped a lot to built these movie.

Hand down people, DreamWork’s animation a lot better than classic Disney. Seriously..
I love these kinda animation! Though, almost everything i can predicted and all but i enjoyed the MegaMind’s character till the end. The Jokes fit’ed a lot. The ‘Oh, My giant blue head’ , the childish of him, with he’s so-called evil plans and he’s partner minion. Roxanne played such a good heroine too. The MetroMan the real superhero at these movie tried hard to be human... the bernard, the super space dad – all was so memorable character, that’s the strongest of these movie. Being the Heroes series fan, I can AGREE; “Heroes are not born, they are made” and the part ‘Destiny is not something that we are told so, but more into something the path we choose ..’

I am brutal person, watching these all movie in 3 day in a row ( in addition, i was watching Kdrama’s Secret Garden – ended it already too. )
So, I desperately needed some Anime good series + Jdorama urgently ;(